In memory of Artur Zelsky


In memory of the author of the idea and concept of the museum memorial complex "Khatyn" Artur  Zelsky.

The life of Artur Zelsky is an example of boundless love for life, the Motherland, and people.

Selfless service to the entrusted cause, reverent attitude towards the heroes and victims of the Great Patriotic War, a special perception of the pain of Khatyn, a great desire to tell the truth - were embodied in the authorship of the concept and idea of ​​the new museum, opened in the memorial complex “Khatyn” on March 22, 2023. And also reflected in the book "Khatyn. The Tragedy of Belarusian Villages".

His work aimed at preserving historical memory and fostering patriotism left an indelible mark on the hearts of people and became an important part of the national heritage of Belarus. Millions of visitors to the memorial take with them for life the bitterness of universal human losses and respect for those who faithfully preserve the memory of the past.

Bright and eternal memory.

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